


Bill log 2017 » History » Version 2

Juniper G, 10/20/2018 07:46 PM

1 1 Woozle Hypertwin
h1. Bill log 2017
2 1 Woozle Hypertwin
3 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-12-20
4 2 Juniper G
5 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Paying these from Maidi $10k loan:
6 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* property tax - $5,108.63 (both lots) - transaction #56359376
7 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* home insurance (State Farm) - $1,165.00 - confirmation #2D21Y78G
8 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Warren Wilson - $2,365.62 - "approved", no number given
9 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* (car insurance not payable yet; possibly billed in March?)
10 1 Woozle Hypertwin
11 1 Woozle Hypertwin
This leaves $1360.75 for paying car insurance and anything else unexpected; ideally, this should be subtracted from the bank balance...
12 2 Juniper G
13 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-12-06
14 2 Juniper G
15 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: $1,539.59 (current balance) paid - Confirmation number 3357770220
16 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm Visa: $122.00 (current balance) paid - confirmation # 135-1583635-17
17 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: $113.03 paid - Reference number: 340324757517
18 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $192.26 paid - Confirmation No.	34025126896
19 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* water bill: $65.21 was auto-paid on 12/1
20 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke MyChart: nothing due in either account
21 1 Woozle Hypertwin
22 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-11-05
23 2 Juniper G
24 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: $20.44 paid - Reference number: 309018452517
25 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $229.05 - Confirmation No.	30919215119
26 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm Visa: $1,342.74 current balance
27 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** paid $110.00 from SHCU (to cover last DigitalOcean charge) - confirmation # 135-1436003-17
28 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** paid $1232.74 from Fidelity (remaining statement/current balance) - confirmation # 135-1436005-17
29 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: $2,265.01 current balance
30 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** $190 (9/13 Molly Parks) + $130 (9/4 Molly Parks) = $320 paid from SHCU
31 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** 2265.01 - 320 = 1945.01 remaining - paid $1945.01 from Fidelity - confirmation # 3315445076
32 1 Woozle Hypertwin
*** Had to schedule this for 11/6 because apparently you can't schedule two payments on the same day
33 1 Woozle Hypertwin
34 1 Woozle Hypertwin
35 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* 3,052.63 - 20.44 - 229.05 - 1232.74 = 1570.40
36 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* 1570.40 - 1945.01 = -374.61
37 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* transferred $2000 from savings = 1625.39
38 1 Woozle Hypertwin
39 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Oh, right, medical bills:
40 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* paid $238.88 (full balance) for Account #4810160 from Chase Visa - authorization code 08598B
41 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* paid $747.70 (full balance) for Account #1488405 from Chase Visa - Confirmation Code 06287B
42 1 Woozle Hypertwin
43 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-10-03
44 2 Juniper G
45 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: $10.70 paid, Reference number: 276031217517
46 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $279.77 paid, Confirmation No.	27631416772
47 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Water bill was paid on 9/20
48 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** Set it up to automatically debit Fidelity Bank Visa on the due date
49 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm Visa: $811.98 statement, $917.36 current
50 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** paying $811.98 confirmation #135-1278743-17 
51 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** pay balance from SHCU later
52 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: $3,326.69 current, $3,480.54 statement
53 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** paying $1800 (approximately half) Confirmation number 3270788024
54 1 Woozle Hypertwin
55 1 Woozle Hypertwin
3,637.27 - 10.7 - 279.77 - 811.98 = 2534.82
56 1 Woozle Hypertwin
57 1 Woozle Hypertwin
-1800 = 734.82 - should get us through until next week, anyway
58 2 Juniper G
59 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-09-20
60 2 Juniper G
61 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Water bill: paid $81.56 (via new payment site) Confirmation # 241008158
62 2 Juniper G
63 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-09-18
64 2 Juniper G
65 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Note: can't pay entire Chase balance without wiping out checking ''and'' savings & requiring another Vanguard infusion. Wait until Maidi pays expenses. Decided not to pay State Farm either, as what's left would have been less than estimated budget needed until end-of-month.
66 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: $3,350.54 current balance ($149.46 available): paid $500 to leave room for Sheffa -- Confirmation number 3250597475
67 1 Woozle Hypertwin
68 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-09-06
69 2 Juniper G
70 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: $10.70 paid Reference number: 249015654517
71 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $293.53 paid Confirmation No. 24916311458
72 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Lowe's: $720.63 (current balance) paid Confirmation Number 1396399474
73 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm Visa: $25 (minimum) confirmation #  135-1151154-17
74 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** current balance: $637.98
75 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm auto insurance: $386.64 paid (conf# not immediately available)
76 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: $3,171.11 current balance ($307.86 available), $2,806.85 last statement, $0 currently due -- <s>paying nothing now</s>
77 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** Paid $200.00 Confirmation number 3235341429 - to cover Sheffa charge tomorrow
78 1 Woozle Hypertwin
79 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Bank balance: $1776 - 11 - 294 - 721 = 750 ... - 25 - 387 = 338
80 1 Woozle Hypertwin
81 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Transferred $5k from Vanguard to Fidelity savings, Confirmation #V016870508
82 1 Woozle Hypertwin
83 1 Woozle Hypertwin
TODO: when it arrives, pay cc balances (Chase and State Farm)
84 1 Woozle Hypertwin
85 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-08-22
86 2 Juniper G
87 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: paid $500 (Confirmation number 3215855588) to leave room for Sheffa charge on 8/24
88 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* MUNIS: $148.48 due 8/31 - paid 8/22 (Transaction Reference Number: 822194002)
89 2 Juniper G
90 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-08-05
91 2 Juniper G
92 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Paid NC DMV $161.30 for Benz registration (Payment Date: 8/5/2017 4:19:09 PM)
93 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Paid Lowe's $115 ($114.94 non-promotional balance) Confirmation Number 1374278768
94 1 Woozle Hypertwin
95 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-08-04
96 2 Juniper G
97 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase: paid $1008.03 Confirmation number 3191555457
98 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** $1008.03 statement balance
99 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** $3080.71 current balance
100 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** $25 minimum payment
101 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm Visa: paid $536.49 (current balance) conf # 135-1001477-17
102 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: paid $21.51 Reference number: 216038606517
103 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: paid $284.95 Confirmation No. 21638998591
104 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Lowe's: tried to access account, but server was busy. It ''should'' be the case that nothing is due yet.
105 1 Woozle Hypertwin
106 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-07-17
107 2 Juniper G
108 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* MUNIS: $77.17 Transaction Reference Number: 717212256
109 1 Woozle Hypertwin
110 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-07-01
111 2 Juniper G
112 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: site down
113 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $198.86 Confirmation No.	18220541898
114 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: paid $2,303.47 conf # 3145560269
115 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** Statement balance: $812.89
116 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** Current balance $2,303.47
117 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm Visa:paid $1,142.57 conf # 135-842306-17
118 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** Statement balance: $1,142.57
119 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** Current balance: $1,347.23
120 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Lowe's credit: $347.01 (current/statement balance) conf # 1347851881
121 1 Woozle Hypertwin
122 1 Woozle Hypertwin
123 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* current bal: $2300
124 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** - 200 - 2300 - 1150 - 350 = -$1700
125 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** budget for normal month: 31 days x $100 = $3100
126 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** transfer: (1700 + 3100 =)
127 1 Woozle Hypertwin
128 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-06-24
129 2 Juniper G
130 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* MUNIS: $72.14 Transaction Reference Number: 	624193625
131 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Warren Wilson portal offline until 2017-07-03 (see [ this])
132 2 Juniper G
133 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-06-03
134 2 Juniper G
135 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: $20.20 Reference number: 154024090517
136 2 Juniper G
137 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-05-27
138 2 Juniper G
139 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: paid $2,511.14 Confirmation number 3099623216
140 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* SF Visa: paid $911.67 (statement balance) conf #135-679365-17
141 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: nothing due yet, next meter read 6/28 (current meter read presumably just hasn't shown up yet)
142 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $177.28 Confirmation No.	14721222046
143 1 Woozle Hypertwin
144 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Still need to come back for PSNC, but that's the only one.
145 2 Juniper G
146 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-05-26
147 2 Juniper G
148 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Assessing bills, possibly to just go ahead and pay now since Vanguard money came in:
149 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* MUNIS already paid
150 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: nothing due yet; meter read expected today
151 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $177.28
152 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: no minimum due; statement balance was $3,111.14 -- presumably that minus $600 would cover current statement: $2511.14
153 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* SF Visa: $1,392.52 current balance, $911.67 statement balance (I think)
154 1 Woozle Hypertwin
155 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Total needed so far: 50(est) + 177 + 2512 + 912 + 500 (5 days budget) + 60 (overdraft) = 4211, call it $4300
156 1 Woozle Hypertwin
157 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Guilt assuagement: about half of this is those two large car repair bills (from memory: ~$900 each on Nissa and Kestracel)
158 2 Juniper G
159 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-05-22
160 2 Juniper G
161 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: paid $600 so there would be enough room for one Molly & two Sheffas before 6/1
162 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** Confirmation number 3092934124
163 2 Juniper G
164 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-05-20
165 2 Juniper G
166 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* MUNIS: $66.22: Transaction Reference Number: 520143038
167 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** Paying shortly after receipt because due date is now the '''1st''' of the month
168 2 Juniper G
169 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-05-04
170 2 Juniper G
171 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm Visa: $328.16 (statement balance) confirmation #135-576649-17
172 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: $420.23 (statement balance) confirmation #3069446836
173 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC $34.20 Reference number: 124175220517
174 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy $167.22 Confirmation No.	12475431181
175 1 Woozle Hypertwin
176 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-04-15
177 2 Juniper G
178 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* MUNIS: $64.92: Transaction Reference Number: 	415182522
179 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** Paying on receipt because due date is now the 3rd of the month
180 2 Juniper G
181 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-04-05
182 2 Juniper G
183 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: $145.97 Reference number: 095347021517
184 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $176.02 Confirmation No.	9547507075
185 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* MUNIS: $61.01 Transaction Reference Number: 	405171744
186 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm Visa: $1,402.34 (statement balance) confirmation # 135-443423-17
187 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase: $1,485.96 (statement balance) Confirmation number 3031539370
188 1 Woozle Hypertwin
189 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Quick balance - MUNIS already deducted: 3714 - 146 - 176 - 1402 - 1486 = 504
190 2 Juniper G
191 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-03-05
192 2 Juniper G
193 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: $141.35 Reference number: 064329251517
194 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $159.01 Confirmation No.	6429514180
195 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* MUNIS: $69.37 Transaction ID: 050317A15-24C5AC4B-D2D8-444A-9710-CD3D73763115
196 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* [ Chase]: was offline most of the day, but managed to pay $843.59 at 17:13 Confirmation number 2990390902
197 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** balance: $2,149.55
198 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** statement: $843.59
199 1 Woozle Hypertwin
** minimum: $25.00
200 1 Woozle Hypertwin
201 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Quick balance before paying Chase (MUNIS already deducted): 1,831.27 - 141.35 - 159.01 = 1530.91
202 1 Woozle Hypertwin
203 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-02-05
204 2 Juniper G
205 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: $169.68 Reference number: 036331773517
206 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $218.74 Confirmation No. 3632112047
207 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* MUNIS: $62.98 Transaction ID: 050217A14-AFDCE165-28C0-43C0-ABE0-81FFC43F5566
208 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm: $304.14 (current balance) conf #135-161120-17
209 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: $1,643.84 (statement balance -- mostly A/C repair) conf #2951990049
210 1 Woozle Hypertwin
211 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Bank accounting:
212 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Quick balance figure: 1805.16 - 169.68 - 218.74 - 304.14 - 1643.84 = -531.24
213 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* H also spending 77.58 -> -608.82
214 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* (MUNIS already shown in online banking)
215 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* 23 days left in February = $2300 est. budget
216 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* 2300 + 608.82 = 2908.82, call it $3000
217 2 Juniper G
218 2 Juniper G
h2. 2017-01-05
219 2 Juniper G
220 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* PSNC: $140.47 Reference number: 005330073517
221 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Duke Energy: $179.60 Confirmation No.	530219864
222 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* MUNIS: $49.29 Transaction ID: 050117A14-D3E67FE5-3745-4AE0-AFE2-29A82A9744E7
223 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* State Farm Visa: $440.34 (statement balance) conf #135-19504-17
224 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* Chase Visa: $1,554.84 (statement balance) Confirmation number 2912757206
225 1 Woozle Hypertwin
226 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Also: re-depositing MEH #2713
227 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* 2017-01-05 08:46 take 2 - confirmed it now appears in "pending" on phone and tablet
228 1 Woozle Hypertwin
* 2016-12-29 17:09 original attempt