Task #219
Feature #218: graduate high school
Finish Global Awareness Passage
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
(Total: 3.50 h)
- Community Service/Action: get involved in a community service project, apprenticeship, or other action, which you believe will help make a difference with your issue. Documentation is necessary.
- Education of Others: educating others could include organizing a Day of Dialogue, teaching a class, creating a website, initiating a letter writing campaign or in some way raising the awareness of the issue in the affected community.
DOCUMENTATION AND DEMONSTRATION: Demonstration of the Passage should be in the form of a portfolio that reflects the research paper, community service, and education of others.
#1 Updated by Adrian Rae about 5 years ago
- Project changed from Adrian's Life to Academia Angst
#2 Updated by Adrian Rae about 5 years ago
- Parent task set to #218