


Duplicate index handling » History » Version 1

Woozle Hypertwin, 09/25/2021 02:27 PM

1 1 Woozle Hypertwin
h1. Duplicate index handling
2 1 Woozle Hypertwin
3 1 Woozle Hypertwin
Once we add the ability for the user to alter sorting/saving indexes, we'll need to be able to prevent duplicate indexes, because we can't save the files if any two will end up with the same filename.
4 1 Woozle Hypertwin
5 1 Woozle Hypertwin
There are two basic strategies: prevention and accommodation
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h2. Prevention
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* Whenever the user enters a duplicate index, display a prominent warning message near the edit-box (maybe indicating the current numerical order of the other one?)
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* If there are duplicates when the user presses the save-files icon, go to the first duplicate found (which should also draw the user's attention to the fact that it's a duplicate).
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h2. Accommodation
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* If the user enters text which matches an existing sorting index, then:
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** (a) if both are int, just renumber the set but treat user-edited indexes as fixed.
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** (b) if the user-text is not an int, then add a numeric suffix to it. (Experimentation will determine whether it should be added to both, or if this just makes more work.)