Support #72
fix Kitten's PC
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Current task is to get her a new sysbd that will accept the CPU and RAM from her existing one.
- '''Sysbd''': Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD3H
- '''Video''': onboard and graphics card
- '''Symptom''': (2016-11-18) After a certain amount of time, monitor blinks out but system continues functioning, e.g. via Remote Desktop. Monitor functions if plugged into another system, but is still blank when plugged back into this one. GPU in graphics card has been replaced, no change in behavior.
#1 Updated by Woozle Hypertwin almost 7 years ago
- Project changed from Hypertwins Informatics to Hypertwin Manor
- Status changed from New to Closed