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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Project
249BugNewNormalAdding new session to existing invoice sets total incorrectly03/26/2020 04:19 PMWorkFerret
247FeatureNewNormalability to sort newest-first03/08/2020 05:46 PMWorkFerret
246FeatureNewNormalsession daily totals are... confusing03/07/2020 07:47 PMWorkFerret
245BugNewNormal[Save] button for single-session editing is way off to the left03/07/2020 05:41 PMWorkFerret
244FeatureNewNormaldata entry ergonomics: remember last date entered03/07/2020 05:35 PMWorkFerret
243FeatureNewNormal"NEW" link should be more prominent03/07/2020 05:13 PMWorkFerret
242FeatureNewNormalstrip off dollar sign from dollar figures03/07/2020 05:10 PMWorkFerret
145SupportNewNormalMissing information in setup guide09/01/2019 09:15 PMFerreteria
134BugNewNormalv2 filed link pages displaying error messageWoozle Hypertwin08/03/2018 10:32 AMIssuepedia
125BugNewNormalsome post-incident tidyingWoozle Hypertwin06/01/2018 08:38
96TaskNewNormalScript writing04/14/2018 05:31
93FeatureNewNormalfix entry formsWoozle Hypertwin02/04/2018 12:43 AMPsyCrit
92TaskNewLowfind out what the deal is with the support botWoozle Hypertwin01/15/2018 02:44
91TaskNewHighmigrate media files off Amazon S3Woozle Hypertwin08/25/2018 07:31
76TaskNewNormalDeal with UPSsWoozle Hypertwin04/13/2018 11:20 AMHypertwin Manor
45BugNewNormalcreating invoice does not redirect to non-edit URLWoozle Hypertwin06/28/2015 02:36 PMWorkFerret
43BugNewNormalSaving invoice does not redirect to non-edit URLWoozle Hypertwin05/06/2015 07:02 PMWorkFerret
42BugNewLowVOID does not redirect to inactive URLWoozle Hypertwin05/05/2015 04:24 PMWorkFerret
41BugNewNormalover-sanitizing HTMLWoozle Hypertwin05/05/2015 04:10 PMWorkFerret
40BugNewNormalSession, Invoice auto-timestamps not set correctlyWoozle Hypertwin05/06/2015 07:01 PMWorkFerret
31TaskNewNormalmove real account from HG1 to Cloud3Woozle Hypertwin03/10/2015 08:42 AMOutside Life
30TaskNewNormalremove duplicate account on HG2Woozle Hypertwin03/06/2015 12:57 PMOutside Life
29TaskIn ProgressNormalmove all accounts off HostGatorWoozle Hypertwin03/10/2015 02:59 PMclient hosting
26FeatureNewNormalinvestigate Dovecot's LDAP as possible back endWoozle Hypertwin02/28/2015 06:06 PMweb services
25FeatureNewNormalsingle sign-on across all web servicesWoozle Hypertwin02/23/2015 11:13 AMweb services
(1-25/33) Per page: 25, 50

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