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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Project
267BugNewNormalseems to be hangingSophia Dellenbaugh10/06/2021 02:05 PMNDArchive
266FeatureNewNormalbetter sorting UISophia Dellenbaugh09/25/2021 03:09 PMsimple-scan
265FeatureNewLowchange default filetype for savingSophia Dellenbaugh09/25/2021 01:46 PMsimple-scan
264FeatureNewNormalAdd iconSophia Dellenbaugh09/25/2021 12:51 PMNDArchive
263FeatureNewLowDynamic content script injectionSophia Dellenbaugh09/25/2021 12:49 PMNDArchive
262FeatureNewLowPopup fixesSophia Dellenbaugh09/25/2021 12:48 PMNDArchive
261FeatureNewNormalREADME and Makefile improvementsSophia Dellenbaugh09/25/2021 12:46 PMNDArchive
240BugNewUrgentincompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BITWoozle Hypertwin02/13/2020 02:21 PMRedmine
202BugResolvedNormalsometimes cannot re-parent tasks01/04/2020 03:09 PMRedmine
79BugNewNormalnewly-defined task-statuses don't show up in the drop-down12/03/2016 12:49 PMRedmine
14FeatureNewNormaloptions for dismissing messages12/25/2014 11:25 AMGoogle+
13BugNewNormalmultiple UI suggestions from Morbius12/25/2014 11:22 AMGoogle+
12BugNewNormalcomments on Diaspora posts not showing up on Diaspora12/19/2014 04:17 PMFriendica
11BugNewNormalSome posts from Diaspora come through blank12/19/2014 04:15 PMFriendica
10BugNewNormalFacebook posts do not have permalink12/18/2014 06:35 PMFriendica
9BugNewNormalFacebook posts link to profile, not post12/18/2014 06:32 PMFriendica
8BugNewNormalno way to reshare Facebook posts12/18/2014 06:22 PMFriendica

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