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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
27vbz.netBugClosedNormal"Admin Home" link is badWoozle Hypertwin05/30/2016 07:04 PM
243WorkFerretFeatureNewNormal"NEW" link should be more prominent03/07/2020 05:13 PM
98toot.catBugClosedNormal"perform full suspension" button and login status "disable" link do not workWoozle Hypertwin05/04/2018 06:44 PM
53VbzCart admin interfaceBugNewNormal"when created" field not being set when Stock Bin is createdWoozle Hypertwin02/24/2016 08:44 PM
16IssuepediaBugNewNormal/writings pages only show version 2 articlesWoozle Hypertwin04/18/2015 08:30 AM
247WorkFerretFeatureNewNormalability to sort newest-first03/08/2020 05:46 PM
260NDArchiveFeatureClosedNormaladd progress & error reportsSophia Dellenbaugh09/25/2021 12:35 AM
249WorkFerretBugNewNormalAdding new session to existing invoice sets total incorrectly03/26/2020 04:19 PM
17VbzCart admin interfaceFeatureNewNormaladdress records need to be editableWoozle Hypertwin02/13/2015 01:06 PM
133Human ChassisBugNewNormalappearance is extremely difficult to adjust07/09/2018 02:44 PM
20web servicesFeatureNewNormalaudio and video streaming capabilityWoozle Hypertwin02/20/2015 05:58 PM
21web servicesFeatureNewNormalaudio streamingWoozle Hypertwin02/20/2015 06:03 PM
106Human NatureBugNewNormalauthoritarian followership06/04/2018 08:20 PM
107Human NatureBugNewNormalauthoritarian leaderism05/17/2018 12:13 AM
105Human NatureBugNewNormalauthoritarianism05/24/2018 06:27 PM
266simple-scanFeatureNewNormalbetter sorting UISophia Dellenbaugh09/25/2021 03:09 PM
254proprietaryFeatureClosedNormalbrowser scriptlet to archive Nextdoor postsSophia Dellenbaugh09/20/2021 12:09 AM
108Human SocietyBugNewNormalcalculatedly false information has become easier to spread05/17/2018 12:24 AM
265simple-scanFeatureNewLowchange default filetype for savingSophia Dellenbaugh09/25/2021 01:46 PM
50VbzCart admin interfaceFeatureNewLowchanges to Stock Bins should be loggedWoozle Hypertwin11/07/2015 08:26 PM
12FriendicaBugNewNormalcomments on Diaspora posts not showing up on Diaspora12/19/2014 04:17 PM
143VbzCart shopping UIBugNewNormalconfirmation page should show data from order, not cart08/18/2019 04:23 PM
103Human SocietyBugNewNormalcourt system design is basically brokenWoozle Hypertwin05/30/2018 02:35 PM
45WorkFerretBugNewNormalcreating invoice does not redirect to non-edit URLWoozle Hypertwin06/28/2015 02:36 PM
244WorkFerretFeatureNewNormaldata entry ergonomics: remember last date entered03/07/2020 05:35 PM
(1-25/105) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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